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Want to Slow Down Cognitive Decline? Eat a Salad a Day.

Want to Slow Down Cognitive Decline? Eat a Salad a Day. (Linden Botanicals,

Nutrient-rich, zesty, brightly colored salad leaves pack a transformative, brain-boosting punch that may slow down cognitive decline.

Slow Down Cognitive Decline with Leafy Greens

You’re cutting sugar from your diet. You’re maintaining a regular exercise regimen. And you’re more than health conscious – you’re trying to optimize your health by taking care of yourself, and you’re feeling great about the smart decisions you’re making.

If this description fits you, then chances are you’re probably already eating salads on a regular basis. You know those leafy greens are packed full of good stuff like vitamins and minerals. (And they don’t taste half bad to boot.) Well, we want to share some good news with you. (Even if this description doesn’t fit you, you’ll still want to hear our big news.)

Here’s the good news: those nutrient-rich, zesty, brightly colored leaves pack a brain-boosting punch that can slow down cognitive decline.

It turns out that salads aren’t just good for you. Salads can be transformative.

Your Salad Days Are Your Smartest Days

A new study conducted by Rush University Medical Center in Chicago over the course of 10 years found some surprising results regarding the verdant variety in your salad bowl. As Neurology journal reports, people who ate at least one serving of green, leafy vegetables daily had stronger thinking skills and did better on memory tests than those who rarely or never ate salads.

The study includes the results of food questionnaires completed by 1,000 volunteer participants, most of them in their eighties. The researchers concluded that eating approximately one daily serving of green, leafy vegetables and foods rich with phylloquinone, lutein, nitrate, folate, α-tocopherol, and kaempferol can help slow down cognitive decline associated with aging.

Furthermore, the study states that those who regularly consumed salads had memory function comparable to people who were considerably younger.

Fifty Shades of Green

Now that science suggests your garden has the power to slow down cognitive decline and preserve memory, it’s time to eat those greens with pride.

You can find mind power in leafy greens like arugula, butterhead, and green leaf lettuce. Or memory enhancement in the flavorful cruciferous varieties of kale, mustard greens, collard greens, broccoli, and cabbage.

And there’s always the iron-fortifying amaranthaceae family greens, chard and spinach, that can turn your Caesar salad into a powerhouse. Or really mix it up with edible leaves like chickweed, watercress (the Vitamin K rich superfood), or peppery dandelion greens (you might just be able to find some in your front yard).

If you’re looking for the ultimate brain support, try:

  1. Polygala tenuifolia extract. Known as Seneca and Chinese Senega, Polygala tenuifolia is believed to improve creative thinking and enhance dreaming. The Chinese name Yuan Zhi translates to “high aspirations.” It’s widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is valued for its reputed ability to protect the brain.
  2. Our other curated teas and extracts, which are all nootropics. Nootropics are compounds that improve cognitive ability, enhance memory and learning, enhance mood, reduce anxiety, and increase focus and willpower. Our nootropic teas include Phyllanthus niruriOcimum sanctumPaeonia lactifloraSemen cuscutae, Bacopa monnieriCistanche tubulosaTerminalia chebula, and Vaccinium uliginosum.

Slow Down Cognitive Decline by Going Green

With so many health benefits, an everyday quantity of fresh greens is a must if you want to protect their memory and slow down cognitive decline. Your salad isn’t just your lunch; it’s your future. Make the right salad choices today for a brighter (and more focused) tomorrow.


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